Laws of Physics can not solve relationship equations.

shweta upadhyay
4 min readJun 28, 2019


Source-Pexels(Public Domain Pictures).

In my last visit to my native place, I found a gentleman relating human life and behavioural aspects with laws of physics. As I was holidaying and was in no mood to get into any kind of intellectual or philosophical discussion with him; I was tight-lipped. I heard him carefully co-relating the laws of motion with human life and yes the randomness of life with Brownian movement.

I couldn't let my thoughts evaporate in vast universe.

How could I?

Albert Einstein(A German Physicist known to me for the theory of relativity and Brownian movement), Newton( known to me for laws of motion), Nicolaus Copernicus (Mathematician and Astronomer)are known to the world for their unmatchable and significant contribution to the world of science and its applicable principles.

Newton’s black and white picture printed in my school’s textbook smiles at me when I inscribe the word Force. Einstein’s theory was never close to me, a forbidden concept of an e=mc square. I couldn’t deal with the mathematical derivation and just mugged up the chapter to pass the exam.

Can I equate these equations with love and sex?

I. know. Depends. How. And. When.

I believe in stepping out of the land of metaphors and proverbs; I can’t continue to learn from nature or from and the principles of Physics and Chemistry in every sphere of life.

I wonder how I had been relating real-life incidents with laws of physics and nature including the four rules of thermodynamics. Amazingly the law of conservation of energy has been overrated in the landscape of love and relationships.

It says-”Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another.”

If Love and sex is a form of energy; love being a reflex action or hormonal imbalance adultery should be justified quoting the same laws(Although Supreme court of India passed a judgment that Adultery is not a crime). Hilarious.

No one can justify infidelity referring to the law of conservation of energy. Anger hormones take charge, trustworthiness, commitment, reliability, possessiveness becomes powerful action words. Consequently.

The laws of physics disappears. ********************************************************

In this era when literature and philosophy are ingrained inside every cell of our body; laws of motion, the law of conservation of energy, the gravitational law seem to be overpowering and dictating the emotionally driven domains of life.

If I continue to interpret the law of transformation of energy in the emotionally driven domains of life; I will end up writing some silly definition that would replace the word energy with love or desire; to further metaphorize or complicate the subject.

Precisely this is what I mean! Why should I Complicate it?


#According to one of the laws of motion — “ If a body is at rest, it continues to be at rest until some external force acts upon it.”

I take it as -when we learn to tolerate shit, we continue to do it until it intoxicates the whole living system.

I equate it with my real non-numerical derivation which says let Physics be a subject. Because technically if I began to reflect on life through this principle, I should end up turning the pages of Physics book and understand that this principle is about moving objects like bus and the passengers.

I fit into this formula as long as I am a passenger, looking through a window, observing traffic on the road and maybe cursing myself for not booking a cab. Similarly, the speed at which the vehicle has been driven by the motorist and his preciseness to control the speed before applying the break, decides the intensity of Jerk a passenger would experience.

Now, this is not directly proportional to the magnitude of heartbreak in a relationship and any mishap happening in human life.


#Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Depends.

In life, we react in case of no activity.

A ball thrown at the wall comes back with the same intensity as it has the quality to bounce. Try this with a stone. Yes, we know it can not leap.

We learn lessons from our past, past responses, the intensity of suffering; not through the principles applied in the world of Science.

That is a universal law taught in every corner of the world in university and Junior colleges as a part of the academic curriculum.

No one prescribed them as lessons of life or a formula to be implemented while handling a heart drenching emotionally driven situation.

Relating life, metaphorically, in every challenging case leads us nowhere.

I suppose that’s how the word “Thoughtfulness” was coined.

Righteously, I have begun to look at life in its existential form where I would not mend or restructure any principle of Science to comfort me.

Land of metaphors is not a safe territory to learn all the significant lessons of life. *****************************************************************



shweta upadhyay
shweta upadhyay

Written by shweta upadhyay

Overthinker, Writer, Bohemian, Musiclover. Exploring unknown landscapes of life.

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